2023 Fruit Forward Drive


What kind of fruit can I donate?

Apples & pears by the bushel! There’s a one-bushel minimum, which is 40 pounds of fruit. That looks like a milk crate about 75% full, or two paper bags about 75% full.

Will you accept my gross, ugly apples and pears?

While ugly isn’t a problem, we can’t use fruit that’s rotting.

When can I drop off my apples and pears?

Bring them to our Clackamas Pub + Restaurant any Saturday in September between 9 am and 3 pm.

Where is your Clackamas location?

8925 SE Jannsen Rd., Bldg. F, Clackamas, OR 97015

What happens to my donated fruit?

Our cider makers will press it into our 2023 special release Community Cider! All proceeds from the sale of the cider will go to Hunger-Free Schools, a project of Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon.

What do I get for donating?

For every bushel (40 pounds) of fruit, you’ll receive a voucher for one pint of Community Cider. Four bushels will get you a growler full!

BRAND NEW THIS YEAR: Those who drop off for donation will also receive special food pricing at our Clackamas Restaurant, so you can grab a bite to eat to celebrate your contribution to the community.

Can I drop off before September?

Due to capacity limitations, we are only accepting in September in 2023. If your apples are ripe now and looking for a home, consider Portland Fruit Tree Project.

Are you accepting other fruits?

This year we are only accepting apples and pears.


EMAIL: info@portlandcider.com