Cider Sage Rolls

If you’re looking for an excuse to eat more carbs, we gotchu! We’ve adapted this recipe for Apple Cider & Sage Dinner Rolls using our Kinda Dry Cider. 

This warm, sweet, savory bread works well on dinner tables all winter long, but especially well as we #PickCider this holiday season. This recipe is for homemade dinner rolls, so make sure to allow plenty of time to prep the night before, rise, rest in the refrigerator overnight, and then bake. Trust us; the process is so worth it!



  • 1/2 cup Kinda Dry Cider

  • 1/4 cup Butter

  • 1 tsp Yeast

  • 2 tbsp Honey

  • 1 Egg plus 1 Egg Yolk

  • 2 & 1/4 cups Bread Flour, we recommend Bob’s Red Mill Artisan Bread Flour (can substitute All Purpose Flour)

  • 1 1/2 tsp Salt

  • 2 & 1/2 tbsp Finely Chopped Fresh Sage 

  • 1 Egg White (for egg wash)


  1. In a small saucepan over low heat, heat your Sorta Sweet cider and butter until the butter has melted. Set aside to cool until this has reached room temperature.

  2. Combine the bread flour and salt in a bowl. 

  3. Using an electric mixer, mix the yeast, honey, and cooled cider-butter mixture. Slowly add in the flour and salt mixture along with the sage, egg, and additional yolk (save the egg white for the egg wash). 

  4. Use the dough hook on your electric mixer to knead the dough on low speed until it all comes together, then increase the speed and knead for 10 minutes. The dough should be smooth, satiny, and slightly sticky. 

  5. Let the dough sit for 20 minutes to allow the yeast to activate with the gluten, then knead for another 5-10 minutes (don’t let the dough get too stiff).

  6. Transfer the dough to a lightly greased bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Allow it to sit at room temperature for 7-8 hours. Check the dough at the halfway mark to see if it doubled in size; if so, punch down dough.* 

  7. Divide the dough out into eight even pieces by gathering the edges of one piece of dough together, making it look like a pseudo dumpling and repeating until you have shaped all eight. Place the side of the dough that you’ve gathered on a non-floured surface (smooth side of the dough should be facing up) and roll around in a circular motion without applying pressure until you have a smooth, round dinner roll. If you don’t get a perfect roll shape, they’ll still be just as delicious, so don’t stress over this too much. 

  8. Place the shaped rolls in a floured baking pan, and let them rise for an hour. 

  9. After one hour, brush them with the leftover egg white, then let them rise for another hour before brushing them with more egg white, and letting them rise again for an hour.

  10. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. 

  11. Bake the rolls for 25-35 minutes, until golden brown and an internal temperature of at least 190 degrees.

  12. Let them cool for a few minutes, and then serve warm with a generous pat of butter.


* You can also let the dough rise overnight, where it rises at room temperature for two hours. Then punch the dough down and let it rise for a few more hours, then stick it in the fridge to rest overnight. The next day, take the dough out of the refrigerator and let it warm up to room temperature before you split dough into 8 sections.