Putting Your Best Fruit Forward
It’s that time of the year again! Oregon apple season! Oregon is home to many different fruit trees. We love our pears, plums, and berries. Of course, we hold apple season especially near and dear to our cider-filled hearts.
Depending on which type of fruit tree(s) you have in your yard, you may be noticing the fruit falling and starting to pile up around this time. This year, especially from the high winds, you may even had windblown, fallen fruit in your yard.
If you have too much fruit to handle, we’d love to take it off your hands.
Reference Photos Courtesy of Portland Fruit Tree Project
While we cannot accept rotten or moldy fruit, we will gladly take the ugly ones! Apples with cracks, scarring, indentations, dimples, scabs, holes, or brown spots are all A-OK.
Portland Cider Co.’s annual Fruit Forward Drive is the perfect way for you to give away your unwanted fruit while giving back. The more apples and fruits donated, the more 2020 Community Cider we can make to raise money!
We will sell cans of the 2020 Community Cider for the first time this year and donate 10 percent of sales to Hunger-Free Schools, a segment of Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon. This program works to end childhood hunger and make sure that every child in our community has enough to eat.
This cider will come to tap rooms and stores later this fall.
On top of doing good for the community, all donors receive 1 pint of cider for every bushel (40 lbs.) of fruit donated.
How it works:
Collect your fruit. Apples, pears, and berries – we take ‘em all. Paper bags and milk crates work especially well for gathering.
Load that fruit in your backseat or trunk and head to our Clackamas location. Upon arrival, drive to the back door and stay in your car. Call the number posted on the back door and a member of our team will come to retrieve your fruit.
Once our production team has your apples, pears, or berries inside, we will press them into juice, and then with some help from our production team, we make cider magic!
The cider is then packaged and sent out into the community!
We are collecting fruit Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and on the weekends with appointments. The Fruit Forward Drive ends on September 30, so get those donations in now!
Portland Cider Company is committed to making the best cider in the Pacific Northwest - it’s in our roots! Portland Cider Co. was established in 2013 with the mission of bringing together cider rooted in the English tradition with a little Portland personality and culture. Combine those things, and you’ve got the Portland Cider Company.